In this episode of Drošinātājs, we delve into the concept of "Mapaganda" with a focus on Russia's use of maps as tools of propaganda in the context of the Ukraine conflict. Anna Shvets, an analyst from Vox Ukraine, explains how maps, often perceived as objective sources, can be manipulated to distort reality and influence public perception. The episode explores the historical roots of Mapaganda, its implications for current geopolitics, and the roles international companies unwittingly play in spreading these distorted depictions. Additionally, the discussion highlights efforts by Ukraine and independent organizations to combat this cartographic disinformation.
This is a complete interview without translation from the Latvian Radio’s podcast "Drošinātājs" (“The Fuse”), dedicated to the people of Ukraine and their fight against Russian aggression.
Links to the full version of the podcast can be found here:
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