"If an injured war veteran knows that he can have an intimate partner again; that someone will love him again and he will still be seen as beautiful in the eyes of his partner, it helps to recover from the trauma and build a life the way you want," – that’s how senior project manager of “Resex” project Kateryna Skorokhod explains the reason why a platform that helps wounded Ukrainian warriors return to sex life and relationships was necessary. Kateryna was interviews by co-host Dīvs Reiznieks.

This is a complete interview without translation from the Latvian Radio podcast "Drošinātājs" (“The Fuse”), dedicated to the people of Ukraine and their fight against Russian aggression. 


Pilna epizode (full episode in Latvian): https://lr1.lsm.lv/lv/raksts/drosinatajs/sekss-un-intimitate-pec-ievainojuma-kara--64.a189059/


Links to the full version of the podcast can be found here: linktr.ee/drosinatajs